Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Happy New Year


To all of you who supported me by visiting my blog this year and leaving comments or giving feedback verbally, I want you to know how much it’s meant to know you took the time out of your busy schedule to do so.

To those of you who have followed me, in spite of the fact that I have been learning a lot from you, I appreciate your willingness to come along for the ride although I haven’t been as consistent as I wanted to be this year.

And those of you whom I’ve chosen to follow, let me tell you how much you’ve inspired me to keep on going and to develop that next post even when there were img_1496periods of extreme physical pain to overcome.  I’m looking forward to putting some of that agony behind me in the future, having recently had surgery, so I believe I will have more time to write.  Thank you for helping me to be brave, motivated and to keep going.  Your poetry, your beautiful prose have empowered me. And finally, to my husband who always takes the time to add eyeballs to anything I do, I thank you for being there.

Happy Holidays to you out there in blogosphere and your families, wherever you are.  Stay inspired keep sharing your work.  You never know when you will touch someone with your words.



Photos of Florida sunrise & sunset courtesy of Bruce.


Published by elivingnews

My interest in art is multi-cultural, reflecting my background in Caribbean, French Creole, African and European art. Since I was born in a developing country and now live in the U.S.A, I am aware of the xenophobia that exists in the U.S, as well as the lack of understanding for immigrant values. Appreciation of the art and music of Latinos, Afro-Caribbeans, French Creole and European art informs who I am, since my ancestry is a mix of several cultures. Fitness is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and nature an integral element of our health and diet. Sea-level rise is important to the discourse of climate change. This is not a concept dreamed up by scientists. Refusal to accept its premise will destroy our planet and our very existence. It is a scientific fact and we can see proof all around us. The change in weather most specifically. I live on the Intracoastal in Florida and see evidence of gradual beach erosion every day. Fish now come ashore in heavy downpours of rain in Miami. My goal is to expand on the awareness of what is being done locally to address issues that threaten our environment for our kids and grandkids in the future. I believe that there is a symbiotic relationship between ourselves and nature and I will strive to protect our environment each day for as long as I can. Additionally, I have always been an advocate for the mentally ill, having served on the Board of the Essex County Mental Health Association in NJ. I consider Voter Rights an important responsibility of every citizen and have spent many years promoting Voter Education with the League of Women Voters.

3 thoughts on “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Happy New Year

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